Large differences in quality mineral water at the place at regular intervals "Ökotest" or "Food Watch" fixed. Last came some of the bottlers otherwise healthy food, water by high uranium values to the attention of the testers. This is particularly critical for young parents want to use the healthy mineral water for preparing baby food. The bustling
Neumarkter Lammsbräu now wants to make a co-founder of the Association for a Quality Community Biomineralwasser eV specific labeling of bio-mineral . Since the organic certification of the EU organic regulation other than mineral water, was designed for the identification of Biomineralwässer a logo of the Quality Community Bio-mineral eV.
In Germany, water, which is offered in trade and catering, distinguished by law. There are:
- Natural mineral spring water
- table water
- meet medical water
The criteria for natural mineral water
- microbiologically wholesome water of pristine purity
- from an underground water resources originating
- protected from contamination
- of constant composition and temperature
- officially recognized by a test procedure
- other provisions on limits of different individual substances, filling requirements, treatment methods and rules subject to declaration.
- Stricter limits prescribed as law
- Additional requirements for pollution-free on the law also
- Detailed guidelines for quality assurance and documentation
- Health benefits
- Eco-guidelines to water table or deposit , packaging and transport
- criteria for environmental and sustainable management may
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