Monday, November 30, 2009

My Dog Had Blood In Her Stool

Carrotmob: Environmental protection by selective purchase of

This beautifully animated video shows how the movement "Carrotmob" works:
  • companies want to make money
  • customers have money
  • customers give the company the money that customers' interests is best considered
Actually this is all not new-the "power of consumers" . has been a topic funktiniert But really it in terms of environmental protection is never one of the reasons.: Consumers were divided and have poorly coordinated. Maybe it will work out with the new term "Carrotmob" and this cute video better.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Nadine J Playing Tennis

biocrystals Lammsbräu: well ...

Yes, the Neumarkter Lammsbräu is insistent and turns diligently on the great marketing Wheel: Just now you have some companions with a new label for Bio-mineral on track, as even the right product comes from our own home on the market:
biocrystals is a new mineral water product line of Lammsbräu. Available as:
  • biocrystals classic and
  • biocrystals is still excellent
biocrystals the mineral water naturally with the new Biomineralwasser seal. The press release states:.

"As the first company in July 2009 examined the Neumarkter Lammsbräu of the BCS Öko- guarantee for the comprehensive list of criteria and with the Biomineralwasser- quality seal, the conditions, this obstacle to were taking good because the source of biocrystals Neumarkter Lammsbräu is protected by the Neumarkter Jura. By the huge clay is well protected from environmental influences. For centuries seeping spring water slowly through the rock layers and replaced so its unique purity and excellent mineralization. "

Perhaps the" conditions that hurdle to take "not only because of" good "because the crystal water is hidden under Juraton, ... but also because Neumarkter Lammsbräu initiated the new seal itself with course guaranteed BCS Ökogarantie independence Honi soit qui mal y pense

The whole crystal-water story is the way so new again not:
under the name of SAPS Lammsbräu has tried in the past to place a very similar water. How the crystal story sounded at that time - including crystal-analysis - you can see here . The name at that time was perhaps not quite so skilfully selected, since a Google search gives the term "SAPS" primarily information on technical terms or the Swiss SAP Obesity Foundation and SAPS just not self-explanatory. At this point, the biocrystals is clearly a step forward. Content is likely to have changed much since the SAPS.
Image: Neumarkt Lammsbräu