fraud cotton organic and eco-labeled
are a good thing, because they help the buyer to orient themselves in the market. They are based on control and - more importantly - on trust. The problem arises when one cheats on the market participants. Because then the trust is gone very quickly and the best seal worthless. Such happens after the research
ftd especially in the textile industry: Indian cotton producers should produce organic cotton and have sent out against the policies of genetically modified cotton. Affected include companies such as C & A, H & M and Tchibo. In the industry, we must now do not just think for better control, but above all to its own credibility. For the customer It is - rightly so - no matter provides, who ensure that a label like "Confidence in Textiles
" (note: does not Ökotex
in connection with the case referred to by the ftd) guarantees perfect products. For him, the shop where he buys Blickkpunkt.
The exclusive story on the cotton scams ftd.