Anniversary Celebration: Literary Universe, Part 1: Kafka
Now that the Kafka "pause year" is over, it is also clear that this anniversary was celebrated little if at all. luck would have it, and I was in a period in Prague, where I should have noticed how events are scheduled, which are reminiscent of Franz Kafka and his brilliant literary skills. But nothing had its 125th Birthday there!
Not that I did not have last year would have noticed. I had always secretly on a large memorial service hoped, but Nope. And now in 2008 is now history and it is set in stone, was apparently ignored that Franz Kafka in Prague and also in Austria. Perhaps it was here or there, a tiny event that has eluded me, but somehow I can not believe this ... I wrote
times of an event at the invitation of Klaus Wagenbach was. He read from his youth biography of Franz Kafka. It was totally absurd to see how a lot of people could stop reading this just because went down shortly before a thunderstorm over Vienna. The list of invitees I saw because my name was checked off by an employee of the bookstore. And there were many hooks there that evening.
Franz Kafka wrote not only about himself, but he described the people who met him every day on the road. He made observations of tiny great literature, dealt with small peculiarities of the people he had only seen once. He knew equally that it was a disaster for him to be delivered also a blatant self-observation. But he did not stop them, was to be honest in a way so that he often trembled before the farce that he held before his face. Franz Kafka sacrificed themselves for the literature and the literature largely blocked his access to the life that no side effect must be of the letter.
I had of Franz Kafka and his works, no idea when I asked a young lady during a German-hour, what I thought of the "verdict". I was almost 19 years old and had just begun to discover the letter as a potential for self-therapy. Since my young lady that story popped up to my ears, and asked me for my "verdict". Yes, and I pretended I knew the story ... As a literary expert and very good student - at least in the subject taught German - I was not disreputable, but doomed, far beyond the horizon of my former literary knowledge and experience to suggest a certain quality, which manifested itself in my German school work. No, I did not disappoint the damsel, and answered their questions about the meaning of this story so that it is impossible that language, this narrative technique, this enigmatic, these secrets to decode.
It should then take many years to get its was aware of that, my "white lie" of yesteryear certainly hit the nail on the head did, because I had some secondary literature Franz Kafka read on, before I at least approaches the world , in which he was the teeth outcrop could understand a little. This does not of course the "objectively visible" world meant, but his world, as he in the constructivist sense, but so introspectively perceived.
The girl made it possible so my entry in the Kafka universe. She gave me a ticket so to speak, and now I know to use the free admission, and if I should ever meet the lady on the street, I will tell her what her little question about the "verdict" triggered in me.
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